Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Last change I hope

WE have moved to a sail friendly blog:

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Parallel Universe

We will be switching to a new blog site when we resume the cruise.  Please make a note of the new address:

The new site is set up for sailing type blogs and much friendlier for the publisher.  It will have a map that shows progress and some other really good features.  Let me know what you think

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


It is funny what we have found as entertainment since being on land.  Started to say since being home but then again, we are at home on land and on Why Knot.  As mentioned earlier, we started to empty an old freezer that has been in constant duty for over 28 years in our dungeon.  Said freezer had an ice berg about six inches deep in the bottom into which food has been entombed for close to the full time. Old bread, candy bars, ice cream and at least some of every soup or stew we have made since moving the thing there.  We built the house around it thus cannot get it out.  The decision was to empty it and use it as a trunk.  We have now done that but in the process we tossed the food "down the hill" so the critters could make use of it.  We have a very fine specimen of a gray fox that has dined for almost two months on the "booty".  Guess what folks, we are done with the project and have only a few more items from the fridge, to include left overs from Thanksgiving, for old Jake to enjoy.  I know, I know, it is not a good thing to thus train wild life but old Jake has enjoyed it as much as we have enjoyed spying on him after dark as he dines.  All good things come to an end and he is really going to miss the crew of Why Knot.  Starting about Saturday, next, the neighborhood punt dogs and cats better look out.  Then again, the danger might not be so bad as Jake prefers the flavor of soy sauce and a pinch of wasabe.   Methinks we might just leave a bowl of the stuff out there to enhance the taste of whatever rodentia or  domestic house pet he chooses in the near future.  After that old Jake is on his own.  We simply have to get back aboard to help Bligh lose the 33 pounds gained during this shore liberty.  Be well fellow scurvs and have one great Thanksgiving.  Don't forget that this and all previous such holidays are brought to you courtesy of some fine young lions who are willing to do harm on your behalf at possibly the loss of all their future holidays.  May God wrap his grace and care around them.  We'll be back on the flip side. 

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Close, really close

Nothing like a very quiet Sunday morning watching "A River Runs Though It" to inspire one's thoughts about what we are about to resume.  By this time next week, we will most likely be on our way back to Why Knot.  We will encounter an entirely different feeling this time since we left.  The southern migration is in full swing as evidenced by the dock cam at Charleston.  I look at it every day, half expecting WK to be crushed between two "ships" but it has not happened.  Some days, the dock is completely full and others almost empty.  This is due to the transient traffic seeking warmer, clearer water south.  The anchorage across from the dock has been busy and at times full.  I would bet it would accommodate a hundred boats easily. 

The go box is ready and all that is left is to load it into the blue toad rental car we have.  Enterprise must have us on some good customer list somewhere as we have, withing the last 10 months rented over 100 days.  Soon that will end and we are ready to get away from tourism ashore, except by dinghy.  The Bear's back thing has prevented us from using the dinghy since leaving the Keys.  We have missed much along the waterway in terms of gunk holing (exploring remote places).  That will change although we  plan to dodge some of the skinny water of the AICW with offshore work.  We are in the state of mind now just to enjoy Thanksgiving with family and a few friends then leave the house as it should have been the first time.  That 35 year old freezer in the dungeon that held an ice berg time capsule will now function as a trunk to hold family stuff.  That pile of brush below the old BBQ deck is now gone as is the old pit.  The air conditioner has been serviced and will be set at 50 degrees to keep the house from freezing should it come to that. 

As we did in January of this year, we will forgo long showers, large fridge, big tv and big spaces to once again live the dream.  We will see some ports of the past and some new ones.  We hope to skip some such as the back water marina in Pensacola where we had to intentionally walk out of sync lest we wobble the dock.  I wonder if the horse flies are still in the marshes of Georgia?  Our time here has been wonderful but we have the call of the sea yet to fulfill.  That window, thought not yet closed, is starting to close and we have much to do before we must tie her up one last time.  Given the volume of pictures we took the first 9 months, I am not sure the old hard drive will keep up.  Just how many beautiful sunsets, or rolly nights at anchor can one remember?  We'll let you know.  Look out troll, it's time to step over dead center.  Very Happy Thanksgiving everyone.