Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Underway Day 2

An exciting day, well almost. We left Army Hole bound for Matagorda Harbor since the winds were not great for an offshore passage. After a brief stop in Port O'Connor for a fuel topoff (Bear does not want to chance not having heat in the morning), we entered Matagorda Bay. The bay was most definitely ugly due to the shallow waters being stirred by the wind, which was on the nose. Again, we had to motor to windward or face a long tacking exercise to windward. Four hours and fifteen minutes later we left the bay and got back to the ICW.   This is the bay in which La Belle sank in 1687.  It was the command ship of one Rene Robert Cavalier, Sieur de La Salle, a Frenchman looking for the Mississippi.  Missed it by juuuuuussssstttt a little bit.  The ship was discovered a few years ago and much of the booty is in museums around Texas. Little know fact is that one crew member was found curled up in the anchor locker.  Seems all they had to drink aboard the LaBelle was rum. 

Just before arrival at Matagorda Harbor, we had to wait our turn at the Colorado River locks, two of them.  It was a busy time and we watched several tow boats stage barges on the west bound side for later bundling and movement west.  Since the locks take on single wide barges, it is a bit of a bottle neck.  Recreational boats are way down on the food chain in the locking pecking order.  We were lucky in that we were able to motor through without stopping for an elevation change.  Just after we passed, the locks were closed due to currents and normal locking up and down started.  We arrived at Matagoda Harbor at 1615 only to lear the restaurant was not open on Tuesday or Wednesday. 

WK at Matagorda
We need to repack some of the million or so pounds of stores to bring the most often used stuff to the top of the lockers.  Why in the heck would I put the 30 amp shore power adapter in the bottom of the deepest locker?  Stupidity, that's why.  Perfecting stupid here.  So, we will stay a day or three to categorize stuff and wait for a cold front due Friday. 


Unknown said...

So far so good, The repacking exercise is never complete. Keep it in your daily expectations. I'm asking for better weather.

Gayle said...

I'm so excited for you that you are on your way. The more photos the better!! You two sound like Spencer...we just up and DO IT! We go where we can while we can. I hate all this rotten medical stuff because it is slowing me down more that I want it too, but as long as I can go...I will!!

Love you both and want to read stuff every single day!!
