Saturday, March 13, 2010

Chipped Tooth, Fat Knee and Other Stuff

It is no surprise to the crew that things get in the way of a perfectly executed plan. The old adage that any plan falls apart the moment it is implemented is true. So far, however; things are going according to plans so far as schedule is concerned. Like a normal day aboard, there are things that must be dealt with (I know- bad grammar, Ms. Peck) as they come. For instance, that insurance check that came so quickly had a minor glitch built in. It requires the signature of the yard and also my signature. Since we are now 500 miles apart, everything is done by mail. The insurance company mailed the check to the yard; they endorsed it and sent it to me (one week). We send it via mail to our bank(3 days). They send it back saying that it cannot be deposited in the type of account we selected (3 days), so we must put it in our regular checking. Up at the crack of dawn today, I drove to the bank to deposit same. They cannot take it because the yard did not stamp the check and only signed by pen. Six calls later and visits to the supervisor at the bank, I at least get them to take the darn thing. They then said it takes five business days before the funds are available. That puts it next Friday (our anticipated completion date). They also said that it might not clear due to the absence of the Yard stamp! Huh?

Starting too twitch here. For some reason, the leash is healing itself. What would Capt. Jack Aubrey do? Continue to march, that’s what. So, onward through the fog we go. Bear chipped a tooth last night and that requires a trip to the dentist since she won’t let me practice ship’s dentist skills on her while she can get away. Really, I know just what to do and have a special Dremel™ tool just for such an event. I also have several quick cure epoxies from which to fashion a filling or a crown. The ultimate dental procedure aboard would be replacement of missing teeth. My idea is that a carefully selected screw might be a very good substitute for implants. Then there is the case of the mysterious fat knee of hers. Why not just get that one handled while we are ashore too. After all, since she won’t let me do simple dentistry, I am fairly sure she won’t let me do orthoscopic surgery either. I could really use the practice. I have a surgical stapler, but wait, that is aboard too. I have offered to use it on folks around the dock if they need stitches. So far, no takers!

With these exceptions, things are humming toward our being aboard next Thursday or Friday. Granted, we might be aboard a boat on stands in the yard but we will be aboard. Most likely we will be waiting for the funds to wind their way into our checking account so we can bail WK out of bondage. Until then, we keep adding stuff to the Go Box.

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