Tuesday, July 20, 2010


We left Beaufort at 0900 yesterday and sailed through some of the prettiest ICW we have seen.  It winds through marshes and follows ancient rivers and sounds along which there are few homes.  Those that do exist along the way have some of the longest piers from high ground through the marshes to the edge of the ICW.  We actually did sail some in the open sounds along the way and we encountered some very thin water at five places.  That required some planning to get in the thin water during a rising tide so that if we stuck, we could expect more water to help us out of the situation.  We arrived in Charleston, SC at 1900 hours fully tired and ready to tie up.  Because of the situation with Bear's back, we have decided to hit marinas often.  Charleston will be the interim port for us while we determine if we can get resolution of our situation from the Laser Spine Institute of Tampa, Florida.  That place did some serious magic for a friend and it involves as the name says, Lasers.  It is an out-patient three day program with spectacular results.  Throw in a couple weeks of rest and we might be underway in a month after the procedure.  Until that happens Why Knot is just a floating condo.   So, we do not yet know how long this "mission hold" will be but we must  get-r-done. 

Charleston promises to be a good place to hold and with all the history and this marina, we are confident that we could find no better place.  I have enough museums and related forts to keep the ADD down while Bear heals.  Then again, if the procedure is long off, we might move---or not.  Thing is that if Bear ain't happy, Bligh ain't happy either. 

Will report out on Charleston and the Bear situation.

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