Sunday, September 12, 2010


Bear continues to improve by she did have three naps today after sleeping late.  Guess that is what one does on a Sunday.  I had several projects to do today such as continue the internet class for my 25 ton Masters ticket, work on my SSB skills and clean the a/c strainer.  All of that has been interrupted by, of all things a book that Keeln Time loaned us.  The book is And The Sea Will Tell by Vincent Bugliosi.  I am an avid non-book worm but this one caught me.  A true story of "....Murder on as South Seas Island".  Those of the boating, particularly sailing ilk will find this one pretty good.  The strainer won't wait but the rest of today's duties will have to.

The Megadock was fairly crowded last night with about a dozen mega yachts and about the same number of lesser.  One disadvantage of being on the "inside" away from the traffic is that one can have house sized walls of aluminum block the view and the wind.  Such was so at rack time last night.  I went topside at 0500 this morning just as two of them were leaving.  That freed up about 300 feet of view for the morning sunrise.  Heavy rains early this morning got me out of the rack and on the lightening damage control mode.  That means unplugging almost everything electronic aboard.   Bear, trusting me to accomplish the task without supervision slept through a nasty thunderstorm.  Some hits were in this marina but as far as I can tell, we escaped. 

Getting up that early brings on a powerful urge to raid the refrigerator whilst the coffee maker chatters away in the corner of the galley.  Breakfast today consisted of King Ranch Chicken.  Ever tried it for the first meal of the day?  Good stuff.  That and a sugarless Red Bull and one is ready to get-r-done.  Next thing I knew and it was lunch time with none of the duties accomplished except four chapters of that darn book.  It is 1400 now and there is still time to work on the list---- or not.

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