Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Status Report

Rumor has it that we, especially Bear, are not fit for the cruise we plan to continue.  Not so. We would not continue if we were the least bit unable to perform the duties aboard Why Knot.  While Bear is moving slowly, it must be realized that she had a back surgery from which she is making a remarkable consistent recovery.  The idea in coming home was to see  family and friends and we chose to make the visit about two months long to give both of us time to get to the point physically where we can continue.  It will take many months for the crew to achieve pre-cruise conditioning.  One of the real benefits to "no plan, no schedule and no destination" is that we can take it easy and still live the dream.  So, to those with concerns, thank you for the thoughts but we can sit aboard as easily as at home.  We may not cover 70 miles a day but that is no big deal. 

1 comment:

Steve and Deb said...

Thats right take your time ... Enjoy the journey...
Don't worry what anyone one else thinks.
We love your Blog and hope to meet up some day.