Thursday, January 21, 2010

S minus 3.5 more or less

We have not moved for over 28 years and although we moved often before that, we are out of shape, mentally.  Seems as though our minds have turned to mush and we are working not from memory but from "to do" lists.  So far as the home lists are concerned, we think we have them done which means we have forgotten something, most likely something critical.  We have watched many friends head "out there" and often wondered why they got wierd just before leaving.  They were almost unfriendly.  We now know why. 
The weather window is cooperating for a Sunday or Monday departure but does pose a bit of a problem for transiting the ICW from Rockport to beyond Matagorda Bay some 60 nautical miles from Port Aransas.  The winds are supposed to be nice but from a northern component.  That means there are few anchorages that are good with a north component, particularly northeast component,  That  also means I will be on anchor watch most of the nights unless we find some protected spot.  Then again, it is time to get into that mode. 

Once, a few years ago, we anchored in Army Hole near Port O'Connor (28degrees 21.266 N, 096 degrees 29.219 W) and was awakened by a brisk, almost gale, NW wind at about 2200.  I thought we were hitting bottom in the big waves so I took the boat hook and stood on the swim deck to see if I could tough bottom when in the trough of the waves.  That was when I leaned that even in a storm there can be real beauty.  When I stuck the pole in the water, it lighted up like Luke Skywalker's light saber.  The bioluminisence were doing their thing.  I spent the next three hours sloshing that dock pole around in the water in the wind and the rain.  I am sure there will be other nights like that.  Meanwhile, the Bear was sound asleep in the vee berth.  I will do that again but next time I will definitely be wearing a teather and inflatable life jacket.  Dumb not to be safe.


MsDolle said...

I am planning to live vicariously through you two and your adventures! Glad you're doing the blog, Bligh and Bear!

MsDolle said...

Take lots of pictures, and be safe!

s/v CJ said...

Bligh, Be sure to check on the conditions at the Brazos. I heard the locks were closed a lot and with the rain there may be a bit of trash in a swift river.

Love the blog

s/v CJ said...

Bligh, if the wind has a good east component, you can anchor by the old airport on the island(move in as close as you dare) just past the ICW-ship channel at Port Oconner. NOTE: Do NOT take the straight (old) ICW (there is some serious shouling just after the icw-ship channel intersection from that little island) take the "new" northern route of the ICW.
