Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Underway Day one
We set sail at 0830 bound for Rockport, Tx, a mere two hours away. The cockpit enclosure made it almost 80 degrees in the bright sunlight and we were enjoying the sail down Lydia Ann Channel, past the light house and into Aransas bay. Strong currents opposed us in the channel, but once in the bay we were seeing just over 6 knots in a light northwest breeze. We got to Rockport but decided to continue, perhaps to Army Hole near Port O’Connor. We made it through Deadman’s Reef in the northern part of Aransas bay at 1145. That sounds like a real adventure but actually it is a real narrow spot in the waterway. There were very few tow boats on the ICW so the day was mostly ours. This was the furtherest north we have been since 1998 in Why Knot not counting bringing her back to Texas after Katrina tried to eat her. Bear has never been this far north on Why Knot. We dropped anchor in Army Hole (28 degrees 20.617 N, 096 degrees27.497 W) at 1735. The sunset was spectacular and a gift for our first day of the cruise. Bear whipped up a stew that tasted a bit like Dinty Moore (or was it?). We hit the rack almost before sunset, but then again isn’t that what cruisers do? Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that we also spent some time aground in Aransas bay just after we decided to continue north. Seems that I was a bit remiss in minding the depth instrument. What the heck is that alarm?

Sunrise at Army Hole, near Port O’Connor, Texas. Pass Cavallo lighthouse to the left of the sunrise

1 comment:

Tami said...

Too funny. We ran aground in Aransas Bay after we left Port A.