Monday, October 18, 2010

Coffee in the Fog

Whilst sitting on the deck at home early this morning, the fog is so thick that one can barely see the ground.  Fog on land and that on the sea allows one to dream with eyes open. I do not hear fog horns or sea buoy bells but maybe I can conjure up that sound if I have enough coffee.  Our deck is twenty or so feet from the ground thus it is possible to lose sight of the trees close by and put the dream machine in motion and envision the same fog surrounding Why Knot at some anchorage.  Oops, back to reality, a police sirene just sounded in the distance.

We just received a box of charts and cruising guides for the Bahamas.  Haven't given much thought to visiting there when we were aboard as it was to be at least three months before actually heading that way.  By the time we get back, two of those will be gone.  Spreading the chart out on kitchen table, one can now get some idea of those places friends and fellow cruisers have mentioned as "not to be missed".  Just as we were dreaming of taking the eastern  turn at Galveston, the southern turn at Pensacola, the northern turn at Key West, we were not thinking of the southern turn to mid Florida then the eastern turn to the Bahamas from Charleston just yet.    While we did not make the Chesapeake this time, we will soon be joining those who did at some port waiting for the window to cross the green monster.  Those on trawlers and motor yachts without stabilizers usually have a harder time getting the crew, usually the Admiral and her pet, to sign on for a crossing in marginal weather due to rolling decks.  We have some gear to reduce roll such as mainsail and keel thus may be able to make it in more marginal weather.  We have crossed the "Stream" twice on Safari.  Both times, it was no big deal since the winds and seas were down.  Then again, that was July.  January may be different. 

The visit home has been good.  We are slowly preparing the house for an extended absence.  We attended a  '60 high school class reunion this past weekend in a place polar opposite from the sea, Merkel, Texas.  It was way good to see old classmates and some we have not seen for over 50 years.  It was an elderly crowd standing around trying to remember names.  We also visited with the crew of Liberty Call, now land based in Fredericksburg, Tx.  Now, it is back to prepping for the return to WK and getting back underway on the dream. 


Chism Family News said...

Who are the elderly folks at Merkel to whom you refer? Great to see ya'll. C. B.

The Escape Module said...

Well of course some of us do not fit in the old fogey category. Thing is that I can't remember their names.