Friday, October 22, 2010

Countdown and other stuff

Give or take it is about 35 days until we climb back aboard WK.  Bear and I are both recovering well and Bear is getting some formal exercise to get those mussels back into cruising shape.  We have been off the boat for 21 days and contrary to what I thought, we have been busy and really making the most of our time ashore.  We have procured charts and other items that would have been much harder without having a stable address and a car.  As it turned out, we needed to do much more to the house than we did to make it ready for absence although the scorpions were sort of a burglar deterrent.  That tree spider that had such a nice web over our dining room table was yet another indication that our bug zone wasn't.

As mentioned, we have acquired most if not all the charts and guides we need, or think we need.  As to the fishing thing, the Bahamian guide offered a simple truth:  big lures equals big fish, and little lures equals little fish.  Obviously, it did not consider the curse Neptune put on us when we murdered the tarpon accidentally. 

We have a few spare parts to acquire and some things left for the house and the list grows daily.  Funny how the list never ends.  What part will fail when least expected is a simple question.  The answer is also simple.  It will fail when the replacement is least available.  So, it is back to the guessing game.  We have decided to leave the 150 headsail in the barn and continue with the 110. We have a spinnaker aboard for those light days.  If we add the big headsail, no one, but no one can possibly get into the aft cabin. 

Things we have resolved:
Provision at the last possible moment with foods having the longest "best used by" date.  That means not taking advantage of those great HEB sales here in New Braunfels.  You know they ones: "priced for quick sale".  We will leave the house with very few provisions save that freezer in the dungeon that has a permafrost layer below which we have no clue what foods exist.  We will make this place toxic to man, beast and bug when we leave and the burglar alarm will be operational.  And the list goes on.

The launch clock is ticking.  Bear and I are looking forward to getting underway.

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