Monday, January 25, 2010

Day One redo

Up at 0330 to check on some ticking sound I could hear other than Bear’s sleeping noise. Mind you, it is not snoring at all, just clicks, chirps, snorts and general deep sleeping sounds. That ticking was the ship’s clock on the other side of the bulkhead from my noodle. That is the first time it has ticked. Don’t electric clocks just hum? Most likely it is signaling that it is about to take a vacation. Then there is the little code blinking on the heater controller. Investigation disclosed that I, or someone, closed the through hull for the condenser water. It is surprising that the unit would run at all but it would cycle for about a minute or so. It has been doing that all night. In a few days, we will be able to hear the boat talking and will discover stuff like that sooner.

I have always believed that every boat has a troll that hides in some secret compartment. His or her sole purpose in life is to mess with stuff. They hide stuff from the male crew members and put it where the Admiral can find it. Usually, that is back in the place the male just looked. Said troll also might be the one that closed the a/c through hull. Been looking for him or her for some time and have yet to find him or her but I will sooner or later.

Ok, so yesterday was a real howler. The winds hit 35 kts or so and did not subside until well after midnight. The decision not to sail yesterday has rewarded us with a fine prospect for today. Light, shifting winds may well minimize our actual sailing so we will most likely motor to our target anchorage. We have limited choices for anchorages within a day sail from Port Aransas so we will most likely sail to Rockport sometime today. That follows the overall plan to keep the adventure more “laid back” and keep the long hauls to a minimum.


Unknown said...

Well seems intelligence has previaled with the Admiral and crew. But searching for Trolls and hearing clicks... might not want to spread that around.
Enjoy yourselves,

debbie and Sparky

MsDolle said...

You have the right idea, for sure!