Sunday, January 24, 2010

Bay Butt Kicking Postponed

The boat next to us hangs a green light in the slip overnight just to attract the minnows and whatever else that might like to dance. I awoke before the Bear this morning and went outside to see what the light was doing. The food chain was in great evidence as very tiny fish were swimming counter clockwise around the light. Larger minnows formed another ring outside the little ones and were swimming the same direction on the surface. Under them were piggy perch darting into the two rings for breakfast. As they attacked, the rings would momentarily break up then rejoin as the piggy left the area with one of their friends. Under them were other larger predators attacking them for breakfast. Who knows what lurked below them? It is good to be at the top of the chain but that could all change some day at sea. I sure hope not.

Ok, so at breakfast it looked like a good window to beat it out of this harbor and head for another.  By the time we were done with breakfast ashore, purchased fuel for the carry on cans and got back to the boat the winds were already above 25 knots.  Forecast called for gusts for 35 later on today.  The front that came through the area earlier today has created a strong northerly conponent and that is exactly the direction we must take leaving here.  I know, I know that is something that always happens but we chose to stay in the slip one more night to see if we can really mash the fenders that are keeping Why Knot from dancing with the dock.  As mushy as our brains are just getting ready for today, we are not wanting to start the cruise with a Bay Butt Kicking.