Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sailing Orders From the Admiralty

Sailing Orders from the Admiralty
Port Aransas, Texas

Year of our Lord two thousand and ten

To: Crewe of the goode schipp Why Knot

Hailing Port: Port of Aransas, Texas(The Republic of), United States of America

In preparation for over five years the time has come. Be advised that the sailing vessel Why Knot, a 42 foot sloop, laying rigged and ready (hopefully) will depart the port on Sunday, January 23, 2010 (weather permitting) on one or the other tide bound for some Caribbean island by way of ports along the Gulf and Atlantic coasts of the United States of America.

Underway and making way
Why Knot will have no specific schedules or port calls planned insofar as published information. She will endeavor to advance toward some daily destination so as to arrive in suitable time to secure the vessel and observe the locale and indigenous critters. She may combine inshore and offshore sailing at the discretion of the Admiral aboard. Strict safety procedures will be utilized at all times whilst underway. Inasmuch as Why Knot is not a “dry” boat, libations will be available to guests and quite possibly crew whilst underway but not to the extent of compromising safe passages and docking. The libation lamp shall not be lit before 1700 hours (somewhere).

Not underway- at anchor, aground or in a slip
Whilst at anchor or in a slip the crew shall observe whatever can be observed and record observations in the ship’s log or cruising log. Advanced and/or close up observations shall be conducted aboard the tender to Why Knot, followed by the consumption of libations followed by dinner ashore not more than every other day most likely followed by more libations until such time that the captain, crew and guest may choose to retire.

The exact length and return date of the vessel shall not be determined in advance and shall be subject to the forces of nature and condition of the crewe including, but not limited to knees, necks, hearts and mental capacities. She shall sail until she cannot.


Commanding (at the approval of Admiral Bear)

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