Thursday, April 29, 2010

Down Day

sign at Cabbage Key
Every now and then the crew hits a spot where we must stay for an extra period.  Today is one of them due to the Bear having some grunge of some type.  This is protected water, fairly smooth and a good spot to ride out the situation.  I will be working on boat maintenance such as that pesky rust spot on the transome.  I might install new hailing port letters on the transome which confirm to the Coast Guard requirements for the size of "Port Aransas, TX".  The second line might not conform but we'll see if we get into trouble.  It reads, in much smaller letters, "Texas, The Republic Of". 

Bonita Bills

Some years ago, Ft. Meyers converted what was a very nice free anchorage to the mooring field for which they charge a nominal fee.  That did two things: produced income for the city and it forced the derelict boats away from the area.  Any time there is free anchorage near town, it has it's share of folks who move aboard a boat with no intention of ever moving them or maintaing them.  From what I can tell, the derelict boats have moved back into the mangroves and there are several dozen of them.  Some have not seen a human for years.  Some are works in progress such as the three boat raftup that is firmly laced into the mangroves with a deck built over all three hulls.  Someone lives aboard without electricity and other conveniences, but he cannot be seen from the high rise condos. 

small ferry across the ditch

The local hang out is a place where folks gather all hours of the day to mostly drink although the food is good.  We were at the place for a burger yesterday around noon when several of them were heading for the fourty bottle limit to ease the pain from the night before.  I am thinking that is the best they will feel all day. 

So this is alligator and manatee country?  We have yet to see either.  Even yesterday when I took the dink looking for some, no joy.  I think it is a Florida hoax to keep the speed down in the mangroves. 

Tomorrow, if Bear is feeling better, we will head down to Marco Island for a day or two then on to Key West.

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