Sunday, April 4, 2010

Jack Daniels, Diet Pepsi and Cracker Jacks

Right Proper Yacht to Which We Dipped Our Signals

Ok, so the title may seem weird but it fits the situation. We are now at anchor just beyond Naval Air Station, Pensacola in an area just one thousand yards west of Fort McRee, a Third System fort built in the mid 1800's. One cannot help but be influenced by this place. We have been at anchor for almost seven hours now and have watched the locals doing their thing in boats of all kinds most of which are larger than ours. Between this place and the Gulf of Mexico is only about four hundred yards of sand. We will have to go off shore for our next segment of this venture but for now, we plan to see what Pensacola has to offer.

The afternoon has been emotional to say the least. This is a place we have dreamed about for so long and now we are here. In essence, this is the true start of our cruise. I cannot discount the fact that my father was in the Navy during WWII and that he once came to this place on active duty. Then there is the old fort to our east where seventeen year old Confederate troops gave all for their cause. So did the Union troops that opposed them. This place is so historic that we will spend a few days here before we rig Why Knot for sea. Out comes the jack lines, man overboard pole and life jackets for several off shore days to get around the bridges that keep us from using the GIWW. That is fine with us since we prefer sea to canals.

Bear did another fine job of filling the crew with good grub tonight. Just as I was thinking hitting the rack she requested a Jack Daniels and Diet Pepsi and look around for the Cracker Jacks. You have it, she actually laid in Cracker Jacks whilst provisioning. It took a bit to find them but they are in large industrial bags in one of our lockers. She got the prize but neither of us can decide what it means. To heck with the prize. It was soul food.

We have a weather front coming later on this week. We will grab a marina tomorrow and rent a car to see the town. Our friends aboard Lagniappe have moved on. They have a schedule to see the Great Circle in two hundred days. We have no plan except to hook up with Safari in the Miami area sometime soon. What soon means is still up in the air.

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