Friday, April 30, 2010

Meandering Thoughts

It occurred to me while watching the sunset that this place, or for that matter all the anchorages or harbors from which we have witnessed such sunsets, represents about the best place to watch sunsets.  It is as though we are sitting under a picnic cover in the world's best location looking at the day turn into nights.  Bear is getting over her grunge but slowly so we do not know if we will leave this place tomorrow.  Having no schedule allows such freedom.  I am thankful that she is recovering but question the symptoms.  So be it.

This is the vessel, not sure if sailing or just power, Freddy Freddy.  The forward part is about 20 feet abeam and the aft part is about 13 abeam.  The part where it makes the transition is at the end of the tanbark colored stripe at the wheel house.  There is on transome structure at that point, just open scoop.

Today was one of boat maintenance.  I polished stainless steel, which by the way is not.. I tested many concoctions to see which would remove the "grin" on the bow that the tannin laced waters of the ICW left.  Most did not work but the last one in inventory did.  Kaboom is my new friend.  Bear spent the whole day attempting to get over the grunge.  I spent the whole day making Why Knot prettier and re-provisioning.  Found a restaurant with a dinghy dock that would, if I ordered something, let me tie up long enough to go to the nearby grocery store. I did not have a list so we now have enough tangerines to support the fleet. Given that, it was good to get more bagels and Fritoes for the bean dip and pot pie night at sea.  Dang, that is actually starting to be something I look forward to.

Tonight, we sleep.  Tomorrow, if Bear is well, we sail

Update 4/30/10- We decided to give it another day here for additional maintenance and recovery.  Besides that, a cruiser friend suggested that in these waters, one really should be someplace by noon on Friday and depart Monday so as to minimize the potential for some high speed moron to do damage (no offense to morons). We are debating whether or not to bite the bullet and skip Marco Island to do the direct passage to Key West, a distance of 134 nautical miles.  It would take a good weather window and serious enthusiasm on the part of the crew.  Who knows, we might just do it----or not.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We hope Jo feels better fast. Monty says that you should rinse her bowl everyday or two. We agree.

No offense taken about the moron remark.

Miss you guys like a bad shot on the practice range. P, K & M