Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Almost Underway Again

Why Knot looks like a sailing vessel once again. She received her masthead tri-color light today along with her new roller furling. All she needs now is her repaired head sail and main sail and mast tuning, and of course provisions to replace those that became the victim of the unplugged power cord. It will be good to have warm weather so that we do not have to use the green house around the cockpit. It is nice in cold weather but a pain to the eye while underway. It is like looking through Saran Wrap™ and over a long day, one’s eyes start to protest.
We thought Why Knot would swim today but we opted to keep her on the stands so that the remaining items might be done more easily on terra firma. That meant one more night in a hotel. Frankly, the Bear seems to like the carved soap and long showers of land based berthing. Perhaps the use of the word “carved” is not the right word. It is more appropriately thin, wrapped chips of soap-like substance. I spent a great deal of my life in hotels being a road warrior and I am unimpressed with hotels, and continental breakfasts. Give me a lunar lander sized boat and hot coffee and life gets good quickly.
The benefits of cruising include meeting folks from everywhere. The yard has it’s good side also if one looks around. Others “in the yard” all have a story to tell. I am starting to see that most of us have a bit of snow on the mountain. Methinks that the “boomers” are starting to work on the old bucket list. Ran into a couple on Lagniappe of Kemah that are in their late 70’s. I mentioned them last post. They have some very good stories of sailing the Pacific, the Caribbean Sea and the Panama Canal.
The yard said they would be done tomorrow. We will move aboard late afternoon and provision Thursday. We will make her ready for sea on Friday and most likely sail Saturday. It is bad luck to sail on Fridays so we are attempting to “stack the chips” in our favor by waiting until Saturday. More on that later.

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