Friday, March 26, 2010

Rigged and Ready

So here we set just 300 yards from a movie set allegedly used in Master and Commander. We are now rigged and ready to go to sea but there is one small problem yet to overcome: the Danzinger Bridge. Said bridge has not answered cell phone calls or VHF calls for the whole day. If we can not get them to answer, we cannot get out of the Industrial Canal or into the rest of the world. Damn, I hate this place. This city is a misfit and seemingly reveling in the aftermath of Katrina. Our plan is to sail tomorrow to Rabbit Island and anchor. We have met a really nice couple that are doing the Great Circle aboard Langinappe, a motor boat. They are seasoned sailors who have chosen to do the Circle aboard a "stink pot" but that makes them no less sailors. He actually witnessed an A bomb test some years ago at Bikini Atoll. I can tell everyone one of the best things about cruising is the folks one meets along the way. So, Why Knot is pulling at the dock lines and we have chewed the leash in two. If I can the that darn Danzinger bridge to give us 58 feet tomorrow, we are out of here.

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