Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ready? Set? ........

Sitting here early in the morning while Bear sleeps, it is the start of the return to Why Knot. I have taken several items sitting next to the go box to the car. We are leaving here early Thursday, if Bear can get a dental situation resolved by then. Why Knot is still on stands but the mast did arrive over the weekend and they are stripping stuff off the old and installing on the new spar. Actually, there is much to do in that regard. It is amazing how many wires service the stuff on the masthead and on the mast such as lights, antennas, wind instruments, radar, a loud hailer and all the halyards. I am thinking that is a couple of day’s worth of someone’s time.
The yard was able to locate a ProFurl™ after they told me that there was none of our size available in the US. That is the original equipment on the 411 and we prefer to keep her “cherry”. To the non-sailors reading this, this gizmo allows us to roll up the forward sail without taking it down. The yard called and asked me if I knew what the stuff on the hull was, the shiny stuff? I told them it is Poly Glo™ to which they said “shame on you”. They could not get it off. Says I “easy to do, just use floor stripper”. Says they: “no joke, we did not know that”. I am guessing here that the mega yacht types don’t use it.
So, now the trek to the car begins with all the stuff we plan to take aboard this trip. Some exchange of winter clothes will be necessary. We are planning to take shorts and tee shirts this time in anticipation of warmer times. To show my confidence, I am not taking the fuzzy boots which I wore only one time after acquiring them and even then only at home. The wine locker will be refurbished and the galley restocked but more for coastal cruising than for ocean crossing. Speaking of coastal vs. ocean modes, I really do not think we need a case of shampoo or dish soap, which by the way, can be the same thing if one used dish soap.
Obviously, we have lost a full month in our very loose planning to turn the corner in the Keys. Then again, having no schedule does have advantages. Though we will make progress more slowly than through the swamps of Louisiana, there is a great deal more to see, more ports and anchorages to visit. After confirming the boat is ready, all work is done and with a couple of days seeing New Orleans attractions, we will “take her to sea”. We learned a valuable lesson we really already knew. In shore (not in the Gulf) canals, traffic, shallow water and obstacles all require a level of attention that at times distracts from the joy of cruising. Then again, it is land where things happen. To get to many of the places we want to visit, even along the Gulf Coast, we will be doing more offshore sailing. Unless absolutely required, we plan to let Bear have a more casual daily schedule. Once WK swims again, we will be playing catch up to bring her appearance up to the level of a new standing rigging. Wow, now that will be a full load of things to keep us occupied whilst at anchor or in a marina.

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