Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Thoughts at 0300

Imagine this: you are sound asleep and deep in REM with a great dream going. You have just accepted the Nobel Prize or you are in a perfect place that you have dreamed about for years. The cover is perfect and the temperature is just right for a great night sleep. Just then, there is a bump that quickly brings you to consciousness. Your mate is still in that great place in her dreams so you attempt to check on the bump without her knowing about the “threat”. You also come to the realization that you are aboard and that said bump might be nothing or it might be the end of a dream. You shuffle out of the rack and drag yourself out of that wonderful warm place onto a cold wooden floor (sole) and head to aft to see what pirate, or monster caused the calamity that awaits you. You know the wind is blowing and that the forty degree mist that is in the air will not be fun. On the way topside, you check the bilge and find no water there. That’s a good thing. The debate in your mind is whether or not to put on that extra sweater or can you stand the cold long enough to fight off the dragon out there? You opt for going light and head topside. Just then, you clip the edge of the settee and think that toe is definitely broken this time. That flashlight so carefully stowed for this trip is nowhere to be found. The toe is now the size of a golf ball and starting to throb in the cold air of the cabin. OK, to heck with the flashlight- just go. Once topside, that mist is there but not a bad as imagined. The wind is blocked by the dodger and it seems that the dragon, pirate or monster has chosen not to do battle with you. It is then that you realize that there is something wrong. It is at that moment when you find all is well that you decide to stay and let Mother Ocean treat you to a sensory treat unequaled anywhere. That mist is from the splash of the sea and the sky is clear. You glance up and instantly notice that the little remote anchorage you have chosen is well away from lights. You sit down for a bit but not long. After all it is 40 degrees and you have no socks or sweater on. You look up and behold. God has chosen at that moment to treat you to something far better that that wonderful dream you were having. The universe is revealed to you. You debate whether or not to awake your mate deep in those warm comfortable covers below. Then reality smacks you right between the eyes. Awake her and suffer unbelievable retribution. One would be ill advised to even think of sharing this moment with a sleeping Bear. You try in the light of dawn to tell her about the event but you cannot begin to relay what really cool thing greeted you last night investigating the bump in the night.


Tami said...

Only you can make a bump in the night so magical!

The Escape Module said...

One might say that I listen to the voices- so to speak- the little voices.