Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Bear Update

Just after posting today, Bear opened the companionway hatch and said "take me to the emergency room".  I called Salty Sailors rather than an ambulance since it was apparent that the Bear was not suffering from a life-threatening situation.  With some quick thinking on Salty Sailors part, we were taken to a local emergency care doc in the box.  It turned out to be the fastest doctor visit in my memory.  Bear suffered some strain during our passage from Marco.  It caused a lower back spasm that is treatable and does not require my ship's doctor skills in surgery.  Glad I did not have to open the surgery suite on Why Knot.  Thanks to Tami who, without a second thought, was kind enough to find the right place and deliver us there.  We owe you more than one.  The meds are bringing the Bear back to life and we hope that the extra time we have planned to stay here will get the ordeal squashed completely. 

Schooner Spars Between the Pilings. Notice the fellow on the bosuns chair at the first aft spreader?

Sailing is a constant motion activity.  As mentioned before, bruises happen without even knowing the source.  Every lengthily sail causes soreness and cuts and bruises.  In fact, sometimes the bruises are quite spectacular.  They are part of the sport and sometimes they are more than meets the eye.  Such was that one that caused Bear such agony over the past few days.  Thank goodness we were not mid ocean.

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