The mooring field to our stern. This is the official field. Outside the breakwater, there is one larger than this one. The buoys are so close together that in a calm wind, when boats sort of wander about on their own program, we wonder if they can touch. There is a water taxi service and a pump-out boat that works the field. The pump-out boat is included in the fee to tie up. 

First, last and always, we remember the reason for this weekend. We celebrate the lives of those not with us, both absent and at permanent rest.
Dinner Key Marina is huge. The marina has 587 slips and almost 300 mooring buoys. It is definitely a poplular spot being one of the not-so-expensive marinas, relatively speaking. It seems that it is little Cuba. Coconut Grove is way cool also. Safari is docked across the bay in South Beach. That is another world altogether with high speed cars, Speedos and roller blades. Can you imagine a 80 year old, skinny dude in speedos? Not a pretty sight. Over on this side of the bay, I have yet to see Speedos. I wonder is I need a pair just to fit in the area? NOT!
This marina displays a wide variety of boats and yachts. Many are foreign flagged boats. There are some real beauties, both motor and sail. Will attempt to get some shots the next few days. Hopefully, Bear will want to get off the boat today. There are many reasons to take a stroll around this place.
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