Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Last Night In Port

For as many days as we have been here, we still have not seen all that is to see here. This is a small key and for the most part a very small fishing village. It is billed as a drinking village with a fishing problem. That is an understatement. This is in the epicenter of diving and fishing on the Keys. For us, as basically non fishing persons with minimal diving experience (I am a certified open water diver and Bear hates to dunk her face in salt water) we have yet to take part in that which is the main attraction to the mid Keys. Mostly due to Bear's back, we have yet to launch the dink. No big deal to us but we would take some hits from those before us who did all that. Bear is getting better and we will set sail tomorrow for points north.

As with all ports, except New Orleans, we will miss this place. We consider this place as one which we will never pass again. Of course, we hope that is not the case. We have met and enjoyed many in this port. There are those from up north and those from other countries. As with any port, there are those who claim much experience but that may have a flavor of sea shanty. One can tell those that have "been out there" and one tolerates the need of others to claim same.

We are encouraged by Bear's recovery and look forward to setting sail onward into the fog, so to speak. As we approach the season of bad storms, we hope to be able and lucky enough to be in port for those storms. If not, we will do whatever it takes to have the ship and the crew survive. After all, we vowed to sail until we cannot.

To friends ashore and those who have gone before, we will try not to embarrass ourselves beyond that which we have already done and not make any artificial reefs. May Why Knot tolerate our blundering and allow us to continue.

Finally, since we may not be connected to the internet on Monday, we want to acknowledge and remember Lt. Robert Ladensak and all those service members since who gave all for us. On Memorial Day and forever.

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