Friday, June 18, 2010

Change of Plans

As mentioned earlier, we planned to sail north with Keeling Time.  Such is not to be for some time.  KT took more of a hit last evening than originally thought.  We were waiting for the arrival of their new battery charger (check out Clark Industries) to arrive so that we could both get underway.  Said charger arrived this morning along with a very competent Technician, Tim Allen.  It took no time at all for the investigations, not associated with the battery charger installation, to reveal more damage to KT.  Virtually all the electronics aboard, now less than a year old from the last direct lightening hit, are non-functional.  Said electronics are all new and now all junk.  Raymarine electronics are not inexpensive.  Now it appears there is little left of them.  The course computer died along with wind, depth, speed and autopilot are not working.  Fortunately, the electrical stuff like a/c and refrigerator/freezer still work.  There is only one boat between us so now I will do a major function test tonight of all our systems. 

The damage to KT will put them in port for some unknown time.  If they can get the parts, they might be underway in a week or so.  There are lots of if's in lightening damage such as wiring in the mast and below decks and such things as possible damage to through hull fittings. I don't think the hit was that strong but KT will still need to have a diver check out the hull.  We will definitely offer to stay with them and help any way we can but methinks there is little we can do.  If the offer is declined, we will move on tomorrow and hopefully, they can catch up.  Such is life aboard.  We wish them well and hope that we can sail with them soon.

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