Thursday, June 3, 2010


Simply put, there is nothing more important than one's mate being healthy. Tonight, for the first time in weeks, Bear had that sparkle in her eyes, not that one you might be thinking of but the one that says "I feel good". We are a team, a single life force and when one of us is not good, neither is good. That's the way it is.

We spent the day hustlening parts for the boat. Most of it was afoot. I can relate to my grunt days . My butt is dragging. We re-attached the Autprop I fired in Bahia Hoda Key and we are now mobile again. In between lightening this afternoon, I went under the boat and put that sucker back in service.

Like most of the past few harbors, we enjoyed the people watching. There are pet Tarpons in this harbor and they are one of the crowd. How cool is that? Tomorrow, we move out. We need to be in a place before noon on Friday before the crazies get afloat.

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