The biggest Hinckley I ever saw. I am wondering if at $15K per foot or so, how long it took to pay it off?
The UDT/ Seal Museum of Fort Pierce. Small but complete.
The harbor restaurant and bar that is crowded at sunset.

Crew of Keeling Time at market days, Fort Pierce.

We pulled the Autoprop yesterday and was eager to repair it with the parts we received from the vendor. All went well until we found that one of the parts did not fit, the bearing. While we can use the prop now adjusted again with the old parts, we will wait until we can get the right part and then install the prop. That way, I only have to rig for diving one time vs two.
Early yesterday afternoon, the crew of Safari called and said they would be passing our way on their road trip from Texas to Miami where Safari is docked. We had dinner and a very good visit with them and the crew of Keeling Time last evening at the harbor restaurant here. It is always good to see them. Keeling Time was most entertaining with their tales of the Abacos. They have some great shots of underwater stuff from there. Rick mentioned that they seldom anchored in water over about eight feet and it was always very clear. We very much look forward to visiting the islands in the fall. For now, we must make our way up north for hurricane season.
Speaking of that, we were watching news this morning when a bonehead weatherman expressed excitement at the new disturbance in the Atlantic. Said he looked forward to a very active hurricane season. Gee, I wish he would come to this, or any harbor, and say that out loud at happy hour. Then again that is how it affects those not in the zone.
We are docked next to several other boats that have fuel cans, solar panels, and general cruiser clutter. It is always interesting to walk the docks and see how others have solved, or attempted to solve issues such as storage, dinghy handling, cockpit comfort and the like. The thing we miss the most is a comfortable way to sit in the cockpit. Still, the cheesy bean bag we have is the best so far as long as one does not have to move quickly to get around it. That thing can be sitting there looking fairly stable and if you step on it, plan to go anywhere other than planned. It is like stepping on a bag of marbles. Don't even think of stepping on it with refreshments or food in your hands, lest ye paint the cockpit with them.
Sunday is our day to call family. Most of the time they are out doing stuff so it is a game of tag. We are told that Skype is a useful tool to communicate with family but we have not tried that yet. Maybe we will catch up to the 21 st century soon. The question of the day is who stole all those moon rocks?
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