Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Some things cannot be rushed

It now looks as though the better decision regarding the immediate future of cruising for us to take a time out.  While the recent repairs have gone well, it is very important to take it easy for some time thereafter.  To rush this is to jeopardize it and that could end the cruise.  In the next two weeks, give or take, we will return to Canyon Lake and sit for a bit.  Rumors of exploding can goods in the pantry back home are testament the fact that we have enjoyed the cruise so far, with the obvious exception of medical issues.  We planned to come home every 90 days or so.  There have been other challenges so far but that is part of life in the water world.  We did plan to come ashore more often than we have for visits to our home but never felt the real need to do so until now.  Besides that, we are curious about the status of the house.  For instance, we have battled squirrels (tree rats as a fellow sailor calls them).  They tend to want to eat holes in our house.  We cannot wait to see how many have done that. 

Typical cottage at the Club on Jekyll Island for the ultra wealthy during the 40's

We will leave WK in Charleston. Upon return we head south in November or thereafter.  Hopefully, she will rest well at the Megadock and be ready to go to sea when we return.  Given the challenges so far, we consider ourselves lucky to have made it this far north on the Atlantic Coast.   Not a stellar performance but acceptable to us.  We absolutely enjoy being aboard and visiting the ports and anchorages we have seen so far--- with one exception of course.  We look forward to crossing the Sabine and seeing our family and friends soon.  We haven't had a plate of steaming greasy enchiladas since we left.

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