Monday, September 27, 2010

Swivel is Fixed

It has been 12 hours since the little laser repair job on my neck.  Methinks it was way easier than the MRI due to my claustrophobia and the little needle exercise to diagnose which nerve was being the outlaw. Anyway, it is done and the clock starts on the get-out-of-Dodge sail away from Charleston.  We  were told it would be about the same time requirement as with Bear's back.  Thus, it will be about six weeks until I can raise sail.  Nothing was said about starting the engine and steering.  Will play that one by seat of the pants rules.  For the next two weeks or so, Bligh has to wear a horse collar.  Bear thinks it is fitting nomenclature since she often refers to me by a two word description starting with the word "horses". 

Can't wait to check in on the Hector colony at the Megadock.  Well, it 2215 and I think I will go get more sleep.  Thanks to those that have offered best wishes.  Be well, y'all.

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