Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Thoughts on injured reserve

Now that we both have had framwork repair, up pops the issue of entertaining those around us at the marina.  Entertaining?  It must look really funny to see two spasmodics getting around.  It does not look right when those on the big power boats look down at that little sail boat on the Megadock and notice that the entire crew are having trouble with the total absence of grace when boarding the boat.  One BBO (big boat owner) turns to the other whilst having juice and toast on the quarterdeck and mentions the crew  bogging down the dock looking like the big bug character in the movie Men In Black.  The obvious conclusion would be that sailing, albeit at six knots, will take a toll on auld carcasses.  Well, yeah!  He with a horse collar and she with a big black back brace must quite a sight.  There is a benefit to all of this.  We won't be in poor form for not waxing the boat for some time.  And there might be some appreciation for a rotten grape bottle in the cockpit after dark.

I have mentioned the little duckys.  They are the name we have given the junior sailing program participants.  They go by every day in line and all tied together behind a tow boat.  They travel out to the training area and sail back.  We hope they do not notice WKs crew as it might discourage further participation in sailing.  "Gosh Mikey, look at what it has done to those old folks".

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