Sunday, September 26, 2010

Tampa D-1

We spent some time with the crew of Breezin and enjoyed an auto cruise of the Tampa area.  We drove back to the Clearwater marina where we stayed as boaters.  The area is heavily built with condos and there is absolutely no comparison in the feeling one gets approaching by sea and by car.  By car, there are glimpses of the waterworld but it stops with the next building blocking the view.  The beaches are the only real way to get even close to the feeling.  From shore, we could see several sailing vessels in the Gulf but one can only guess if they are out for a day sail or have other destinations.  Only by seeing boats up close can one really tell the difference.  Those underway are generally not as cute as those that most of their time in a snug harbor.  Show me a boat with a few fuel cans on an othewise beautiful deck and you have a sea boat.  Show me one with a perfect toe rail and you are looking at either wealth or low sea time. 

We get my swivel fixed tomorrow, we hope.  I am not looking forward to tomorrow but the day after.  Back with more later..


Anonymous said...

Good Luck my friend, Im anxiously awaiting your report.

The Escape Module said...

Thanks much. Will speak to you soon.