Monday, August 16, 2010

Bear is out of the shipyard

It is 1400 and Bear is back in the hotel room.  She walked under her own power and is feeling much better.  The surgery went as expected and we are in hopes that it has relieved the bulk of the back pain she has suffered so long. It appears at this time that there has been a vast reduction but we have a couple of days yet to deal with the actual incision part, which is not really big.  She is being cautious in claiming success at this time due to disappointments of the past but from my observations at this early date, she will be re-joining Why Knot as Admiral and crew.  The post-op appointment is Wednesday and if it goes as expected, we will leave Tampa and head back to the boat.  She will have several weeks in which she cannot do crew stuff but if it is without pain then the mission is a success.  During the interim, we will of course, be putting her though a refresher course in boat life as a non-guest.  Exercises will include but not limited to wax-on/wax-off dry runs, knot tying, navigation skull sessions and stainless steel polishing theory.  Lectures on rodent/insect control, mold eradication, and freezer defrosting techniques will also be held in the interest of reinstating the high order of proficiency she once held aboard.  Of course, floggings are suspended until further notice. 

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