Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Up early

One thing about cruising is that it conforms to our mission statement: no plan, destination or schedule. That said, it is not uncommon to give way in the early evenings and simply hit the rack. For us last evening, it actually happened before sunset. We did not even watch any tv, just had dinner (supper in Georgia) and hit the rack. It is not really all that hard to sleep with sunlight in the cabin. The flip side of that early to bed thing is that one of the crew sleeps only at most about 7 hours and it makes no difference when it starts. Seven hours, give or take, later and the old eyes fly open like a cheap roll up window shade. No amount of wallering (is that a word)in the rack will return me to sleep. It only irritates the Bear. So, at 0415 this morning, I am up and awake. The Bear, of course is just getting to the deep REM part of her night.

That time of the day is an excellent time to stroll the dock. The round trip is 3,000 feet and there is much to see. Flat water flowing silently past the dock marks the incoming tide. There are a few birds walking the dock and they are looking for breakfast: fish. No one is awake on the dock this morning except for me. Our favorite little brown bird is not yet on station on the dock line of a nearby boat where he swings back and forth looking for a meal. Not sure what bird he is but there is no fear of humans.

The end of the dock is nearest to sea and one can see the lights at Fort Sumter from there. Lights of any kind in 1861 would have been deadly there. Now, the five bare flag poles are visible waiting for the flags that will greet visitors today. One cannot fully appreciate the fact that when the South unloosed the first volley there, it was thought the war would last only a few weeks at most. Six hundred and ten thousand KIA and no telling how many wounded later and it did end. Dang!

Having completed the walk and all that it offered so early in the morning, it was time for breakfast. Like our little brown friend on that dock line, it seemed a good idea to have some fish, tuna fish to be exact. Bear makes a great tuna salad and that sounded good. So, my day started with a Sugarless Red Bull and a tuna salad sandwich. Hot diggedy seadawg! Perhaps our mission statement should read; no plan, destination, schedule or particular menu. Ever try Red Bull and tuna salad for breakfast? Ok, tomorrow morning, why not try it--- or not.


Anonymous said...

Need more input!![
I read this daily and nothing for two days. Makes me worry. I'll start bothering you two on the cell phone. Just what you are trying to avoid.

Miss you guys,

The Escape Module said...

Running out of stuff of interest about
Charleston. Starting to hallucinate.