Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Outta Tampa

Shore leave is canceled. and after a short stop for at the doctor, we are heading back to Charleston.  We will take two days this time so that Bear does not have to sit so long.  Once back aboard, we add a few provisions and make preparations to get underway again AT LAST!  Bear's back is fixed for the most part and now there is normal soreness with which to contend.  A few laps around the Megadock and she might be able to work out that part of the recovery.  For the next few weeks she is restricted to lifting no more than five pounds but the ability to walk has been restored.  Guess I will break out the dinghy soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Debbie and I thrilled. When she can tolerate it, give her a big hug from both of us.