Monday, August 16, 2010

Looking Back

Do you know what an “earworm” is? It is one of those tunes that you cannot get out of your mind sometimes for days on end. It might be a commercial tune or something someone said. In my case it is a phrase from a song written by Michael McCloud of Key West. He wrote it for the A&E documentary about Mel Fisher, the fellow that discovered the Atocha just off the coast in Key West. Mel looked for that ship for thirty years and finally found it. It was laden with something like $400,000,000 in gold and silver. Every day, in order to keep the divers energized, he would say “Today is the day boys, we discover the past”. So what does that have to do with the crew of Why Knot? Well, today is the day that we do discover Bear’s past so to speak. It is today that we hope to return her back to sometime in the past without pain. Just got a call from pre-op that she is heading into surgery now. Wish I could be with her to hold her hand. Of course, I would have to look the other way. More later.

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