Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Storms in the Atlantic

Danielle is history but there are three to take her place.  We now have Earl, a true threat at this time to this area, Fiona also a potential threat to the area and old Invest 98 just off Africa.  And I thought the Gulf was a storm magnet.  Looks like we stopped short, for the time being, of the most likely zone for these storms, but the trend is to gradually move more westward before the recurve.  If that continues, sooner or later, we will have to make some hard decisions.  The upper Atlantic coast wakes up today with increasing concerns and preliminary plans to prep for devastation.  Come on, end of season. 


SNOWBALL said...

There are no hard decisions...tie her up and get out.

The Escape Module said...

No need to do that just yet but will do if the dragon be chasin' us.