Friday, July 23, 2010

Bear Watch Update

Little sailors being pulled
The ball is rolling for Bear to have the back procedure around August 16 in Tampa.  We are definitely looking forward to getting the checklist fixed and underway.  The procedure will take place over a four day period then we can return to the boat with her status no longer crew but upgraded to honored guest for some time thereafter.  Barring any unforseen complidcations, we can get underway soon thereafter.  She will be free to move about the cabin and cockpit but cannot participate in boat duties.   That's fine with me as long as it meets the objective.
Littler sailors being pulled

Yesterday, I visited Ft. Moultire on Sullivan's Island.  That place (the entire island) has been heavily armed since the Revolution.  One soldier stationed there was none other that Eddie Poe, who had this fixation with a Raven of Nevermore fame.  Seems that just after that posting, he decided to do something else, anything else other than the Army. 

The floatage along this dock is like a who's who of the big boat world.  We were sitting in the breeze yesterday when I looked out to see a huge wall of fibergalss dock between us and the wind.  Methinks it was about 200 feet in length and it took on fuel for several hours. One of the crew spoke to us but we did not offer to help wax the thing.  Their dock lines are bigger than our cleats.  This morning a USCG Cutter, The Chicoa docked for fuel.  They are headed to the Gulf for six weeks to go on station directing traffic at the spill.  They took on 2800 gallons just to "top off".  Very professional and friendly crew.  Then  again who wouldn't be nice if one has two Maw Deuces aboard.  (.50 cal. machine guns).   

I went museum hopping again but aborted the idea due to the heat.  I don't remember summers being this hot except for that senior trip to sunny Southeeast Asia.  One can shower and ruin the whole thing walking  back to the boat.  Hardly pays to do it. 

So, we become locals for a month and that will give Keeln Time time to catch us about when we are ready to go again. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see those Pink sails on the horizion as the Captn Bear takes over. Still have the contact in Hungary if you would like to pre-order the sails.
Hope all goes well my friends.