Sunday, July 18, 2010

Cool Grey Light of Dawn

After the early posting this morning, we awoke to hear some folks just leaving the dock.  These folks know how to party.  Good to have had sleep and not too much of the stuff that will make their day miserable for a while. 

Bear wanted to sleep in and I wanted to see some of the town before it gets too hot.  Camera in hand and a Gatorade in my pocket, I strolled the bluff overlooking the ancient Beaufort River.  Few were out that early so I had the streets to myself.  There are Spanish Moss covered Live Oaks here that are easily six feet across.  We are told that most are in the three century range.  Evidence of such trees far older are around.  The town is built on a bluff about twenty five feet or so above the high tide level.  That means that the houses built thereon have seen and survived centuries of hurricanes and rogue sailors.  Though Savannah is so charming, this place captures the earliest days of this country and before in a smoother way.  The old downtown is straight our of a Norman Rockwell scene.  It is also the place where many movies were made.  GI Jane, The Great Santini, DI and Big Chill to name a few.  Kevin Kosner seems to really like locations here.

Before returing to the boat this morning, I picked the aroma of breakfast from upwind.  Ten blocks later, I found Blackstone's Cafe.  This too is a Rockwell place with folks having breakfast before church and grubby sailors avoiding it.  It is a place to visit whenever in the area.  The festival continues for the next nine days but we will leave tomorrow.  One reason is that the slip fees have doubled for the festival at just under $4 per foot per day.  Get the message?  More later.

1 comment:

Tami said...

I think I would love it! I've always wanted to visit that area. Sounds like a great place.

We miss you guys in Key West.