Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Thunderstorm Afternoon in Charleston

Even at the dock there are almost daily maintenance items to fix. The air conditioner strainer filled and stopped up to the point that the a/c was short cycling. The probable cause: a growth of some type in that element that one could easily flush out. Not so. The stuff that was in the strainer was affixed firmly to the basket and looked like short cropped blond hair. It would not simple flush out. I am calling it swamp fur. With such a small space to air condition, one would think that maintenance is very seldom. Again, not so. The filters are a weekly cycle. The strainer is on about a three week cycle unless we anchor in some grassy place in which case it can be on a three hour cycle. So, life in our small liquid world is maybe more intense than at home. Stuff that breaks must be addressed at the earliest possible moment.

I took the first part of today before returning the rental car to tour two more places, the South Carolina Aquarium and the National Military Museum. The latter is more to the point a heraldry museum with complete uniforms from just after the Revolutionary War to Afghanistan today. The curator will not display any uniform unless it is authentic in every way. They have a recently found uniform from WWII missing the Eagle/Globe/ Anchor collar brass. If and until they get the exact brass worn on that uniform, they will not display it. It belongs to a native son of Charleston, graduate of The Citadel and KIA in the South Pacific when his was shot down. The family could not find the original collar brass so this uniform may never go on display.

With no car, we are now back to cruising mode though we are not making way. That means backpacks to the local convenience store for stuff and the courtesy bus to the local hardware supply should we need a quirkwheeler to two. Of course, we have the fold bikes not likely to be used by Bear. The afternoon thunderstorms are regular, big and spectacular. We are trying to Zen ourselves into small so that the lightening does not find us.

Tonight, for the first time since starting the cruise, we will be grilling. I know, I know that long time since our last grilling does jeopardize our citizenship as Texans but we will get one in just under the wire. Starting small so as to work our way back into grilling, we will be doing burger meat. Don’t want to take on brisket until we get back in shape. Dang, I am looking forward to firing up old Bessemer and burning some animal. Brisket does not exist in the meat counters of the local grocery stores. Mark, whilst in the Corps at Camp Lejeune intentionally sought out a brisket for the 4th of July a few years back. The butcher immediately asked him if he was from Texas and how to cook the thing. Had only one in the “back” and commented that only Texans ask for them. Seems BBQ here is “pulled pork” or pork ribs. The aforementioned is usually dripping with some sweet foul sauce and is more like a sloppy Joe’s sandwich. I tell you, it jest ain’t right. Besides that, they usually drink it with ultra sweet tea. Dang!

The more we see of this place, the more we recommend it to be on everyone’s bucket list. Don’t come for a day. Come for a week. Bye ya’ll.

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