Thursday, July 8, 2010

Last stop in Florida

A Junk
One thing that influenced our decision to stay in this marina for a week was the plan to get Bear's back fixed or substantially resolved.  We will have to settle for the latter since no amount of non surgical therapy can fix two ruptured disks and some other related issues.  The stop for the past few days with attendant clinic visits has given her substantial relief.  We now know how to prevent further deterioration non-surgically.  The pain is now mostly dull and manageable and it is her decision to continue the cruise north.  As plan B, we know of a place to receive fairly quick minimally invasive laser solutions to the problem should they flare up again.  So, we leave this place Monday morning on the tide.

Bear decided today that it was the last day of treatments and she will not be going in tomorrow.  We have the rental car for another day and two more days at this marina (paid in advance and non-refundable).  Tomorrow we take to the road and scout out marinas to the north.  Then there is the Fort Clinch here in Ferdandina that is a must see for the Capt. 

Fernandina Beach Harbor Marina, A crossroad of the world

We have gotten questions about the cruise at this point.  The bottom line is that we have thoroughly enjoyed it with the obvious exceptions.  It has exceeded our expectations and we have met some wonderful and entertaining folks along the way.  Heck, at times they were both.  As we sail past the Atlantic inlets, we see boats from everywhere on the globe.  One hears languages from everywhere in the local eateries and bars.   This place, being a port of entry, has one of the friendliest Customs and Border Protection offices we have enountered.  Usually, those guys are humorless.  In one stop lasting fifteen minutes we applied for and received our "Local Boater's Card".  It is a way to cut through the re-entry red tape without having to actually visit the CBP office.

We, as we have said, will continue this cruise until we cannot.  So far, so good.

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