Thursday, July 1, 2010

Thoughts About the Cruise

With the exception of the few weeks in the yard in New Orleans, Why Knot has been underway since the end of January.  The cold and rain of the first few months has now given way to the southern heat and hurricane season.  We will take some time to cover the next few legs of our cruise north due to the medical issue we face but we will still be moving. 

We know the feeling and the required executions of getting ready for a hurricane yet this time it aimed at Texas, we were not part of the preparations.  We were part of the emotional aspect of it since our Texas friends were in the cross hairs.  Even the ex patriots of Rima were in the path.  As I have said before, those not in the path pay little attention to the oncoming storm.  For the boaters in this area, little was said and things were normal but they know (as we do) that our turn will come a bit later in the season.  I really hate hurricane season wherever they go.  

Our friends aboard Keeling Time are underway again after extensive lightening damage.  They spent two weeks or so in Fort Pierce.  It is a quaint place and can entertain one for a few days.  Two weeks stretches the patience to get underway again.  They are now headed this direction and will soon catch up with us.  Glad that is so. 

Our cruise has turned into a hybrid of a sort because we are tied to Jacksonville for the next few weeks.  That tends to leave one with a similar feeling of being on a sort of leash.  Until we can complete the treatments, we will be chewing on that leash.  Until then, we will be sightseeing in the surrounding area.  There is much to see and we are glad to be where we are ---- for now.

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