Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Good byes, thunderstorms and a long day

We really looked forward to cruising with Keeln Time but that is not to be.  They have family duty for most of August thus left their boat at Jekyll Island as we sailed away.  It was a moment like leaving family on shore.  We really enjoy time with them.

The goal for today was to get north as far as possible but we had to leave at a rising tide, meaning after 0830.  So, we decided to go as long in the day as possible then drop the hook somewhere just as our energy died.  We are now anchored at the mouth of Kilkenny Creek, Georgia having decided to stay on the hook.  All afternoon we crossed several outlets to sea thus we faced tides opposed and with us at various times today.  At one time we saw over 10 mph then not more than ten minutes later 5 mph when we turned into the ebb tide.  Just before we dropped the hook, we went through a blinding thunderstorm.  The amazing thing is that we are in the marsh land in the boonies and can still get three bars on the air card.  We are bushed (no offense to W) and it has been a 71 mile day.  Tomorrow we hit Hilton Head and then Charleston.  We will sail passed Ft. Sumpter.  Having had dinner, we are now ready to rest for the day.

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