Three hundred and four years and hopefully still counting for this grand experiment. Some of us believe the Republic is in dire danger and heading for an early demise but for this weekend, Bear and I plan to celebrate the birthday. This marina is very quiet and with the exception of our music and the noise of our flags, there is not much going on here. St. Augustine is throwing one grand party this weekend at the fort with real cannons to boot. The most memorable 4th we ever spent was sitting on the parade deck at Camp Lejeune with Mark, Amy, Grant, Madison and Ethan at sunset. Our Marine and a few thousand other Marines were treated to a very lively fireworks show along with the 1812 Overture and real howitzers. It was spectacular and very much an honor to be at that place with all those Devil Dogs. It would be very hard to top that.

Bear's treatments are working and we plan to leave this place on Monday for points north. We learned a very important thing about the back and the aging process: use it or it will attack you. Movement through the range of motion as often as possible will keep the discs happy and actually help heal them to some degree. Wait too long and it gets ugly.
Spells "Liberty"
Have a very happy weekend and remember that it is sponsored by the boys and girls of the US Military through their generous contributions for the past three hundred years.
have a blast
Last 4th is kinda hard to top also!! Miss swimming with the rays and enjoying being with you two, the SaltySailors and the Capt and Firstmate of Safari!! Not to mention Liberty Call!!! It has been a long time since we had a 4th of July in the Hill Country. Fredericksburg is swarming with people, just like Port A. big parade tomorrow. I am riding on the Tea Party float, yes the Tea Party float...I am one of those types:)!!
You two have a happy and blessed Ameircan birthday bash!!
May God continue to bless this great nation and keep our troops out of harms way. That's a big order but hey he's GOD!
love and miss you both. Jo take care of yourself.
Thanks for the warm fuzzy thoughts. Have a grand time today.
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